Recent Aquisitions







Ivan Cloulas


César Borgia : Fils de pape, prince et aventurier



Broché: 287 pages

Editeur : Tallandier (9 septembre 2005)

Collection : Biographie

Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2847341803

ISBN-13: 978-2847341805


Présentation de l'éditeur
Fils de pape, cardinal à dix-sept ans, capitaine général de l'Église, duc de Valentinois en 1498, puis duc de Romagne en 1501, César Borgia (1475-1507) fut l'incarnation pour Machiavel du prince idéal de la Renaissance, dissimulant avec art ses desseins, mais ne craignant jamais de fouler aux pieds tout ce qui s'opposait à lui. Des plaisirs de la chair dans
l'enceinte même du Vatican à ceux de la chasse, des actes de gouvernement réfléchis aux pires exactions sur les populations, des alliances monnayées avec le corps de sa sœur Lucrèce aux assassinats des proches encombrants, cette vie ne fut qu'excès. Sa mort fut misérable. Pourchassé par ses ennemis après la
disparition de son père et protecteur, abandonné par ses anciens alliés, César s'éteint piteusement lors d'un siège en Espagne. Il a trente-deux ans. À travers la vie mouvementée du Valentinois, c'est toute la Rome des Borgia qui revit sous nos yeux, cette Rome licencieuse où les princes de l'Église s'abandonnent à la luxure et à la dépravation, pendant que le Tibre vomit les cadavres des gêneurs. Un enivrant parfum de scandale et de poison.

Biographie de l'auteur
IVAN CLOULAS, ancien membre de l'École française de Rome et de la Casa de Velázquez à Madrid, ancien conservateur général de la Section ancienne aux Archives nationales, a réalisé sur l'époque de la Renaissance de nombreuses études et biographies qui font référence. Il a consacré aux
Borgia une étude d'ensemble (Fayard), complétée récemment par l'édition du journal de Johannes
, maître des cérémonies du pape Alexandre (Tallandier). L'œuvre d'Ivan Cloulas a valu à son auteur le Grand Prix d'histoire de l'Académie française.


Desmond Seward


The Burning of the Vanities: Savonarola and the Borgia Pope 


  Hardcover 320 pages (March 23, 2006)

  Publisher: Sutton Publishing

  Language: English

  ISBN: 0750929812

'The city will no longer be a place of flowers, but an abode of robbery, of evil doing, of bloodshed.' This is the dramatic story of
Girolamo Savonarola, the visionary friar who terrified Renaissance Florence by his uncannily accurate prophesies of doom - especially of a new barbarian invasion from Charles VIII - and denounced Lorenzo the Magnificent as a tyrant and the Borgia Alexander VI as an unworthy pope. He became virtual ruler of Florence, restoring republican government, and burning 'profane art' in pubic bonfires, most notably in the famous 'Bonfire of the Vanities' in 1497. The years when he dominated the city are among the most dramatic and tragic in Florentine history, and his supporters included: Michelangelo, Botticelli and Machiavelli. But, in the end, Alexander VI turned the Florentines against Savonarola and destroyed him. They stormed his friary, and after a mockery of a trial during which he was tortured and condemned as a heretic, he went to the stake. Desmond Seward tells the extraordinary story of the man who, even after his death, became a cult figure.





Jodorowsky / Manara



Tome 2: Le pouvoir et l’inceste


Langue : Français Éditeur : Albin Michel (11 janvier 2006)
Collection : HUMOUR-BD
Format : Album - 48 pages
ISBN : 2226166785 
Dimensions (en cm) : 24 x 2 x 34



Rome n'est plus une ville sainte, mais un chaos sans foi ni loi. La mafia Borgia, les premiers parrains de l'histoire en sont les maîtres.


Volker Reinhardt


Der unheimliche Papst

Alexander VI. Borgia 1431-1503


C. H. Beck Verlag, München 2005

ISBN 3406448178,

Gebunden, 277 Seiten, 22,90 EUR


Rezensionen - Frankfurter Rundschau vom 01.11.2005

Nicht die sexuelle, sondern die politische Maßlosigkeit Alexanders VI., der lange als der verruchteste unter den Renaissancepäpsten galt, sieht Balthasar Haussmann im Zentrum von Volker Reinhardt Buchs über den Borgia-Papst. Der Autor zeige, dass Nepotismus tief im familialen Denken der Vormoderne verwurzelt war und als normal galt. Dass Alexander seinen eigenen Sohn zum Kardinal machte, erschien dagegen unerhört, gab er doch damit zu bedeuten, dass er das Papstamt erblich machen wollte. Haussmann bescheinigt Reinhardt, sich in höchstem Maß um Objektivität und Wertfreiheit zu bemühen. Das kann seines Erachtens nicht verdecken, dass sich eine wertende These durch das Buch zieht. Danach habe Alexander durch Aufkündigung des politischen Konsenses, Täuschung und Unberechenbarkeit die "Zerstörung sozialen Kapitals" betrieben, wie es Reinhardt in Anlehnung an Pierre Bourdieu formuliere. Dass Reinhardt mit dem "sozialen Kapital" eine Grundvoraussetzung moderner Politik zum Maßstab der Beurteilung politischen Erfolgs in der Vergangenheit, findet Haussmann fragwürdig. Dafür hebt er lobend hervor, dass Reinhardt auf Täuschung verzichtet: er lasse den Leser teilnehmen an der detektivischen Arbeit des Historikers sowie der Abwägung der Quellen und bleibe bei jeder Argumentation nachvollziehbar.


John Freely


Jem Sultan: The Adventures of a Captive Turkish Prince in Renaissance Europe



List Price: £18.99

Hardcover - (July 19, 2004) 352 pages

Published 05-09-2005

by: HarperCollins

ISBN 0007150679



A remarkable tale of empire and exile, restoring to vivid life one of the most extraordinary and colourful figures of medieval history. Jem Sultan, born in December 1459, was one of the wonders of his age. A Turkish prince held captive in Europe at a time when the Ottoman Empire was at its peak, he was renowned throughout the continent as a romantic, mysterious figure. Today he is almost forgotten in the West, but in Turkey he is still a heroic figure, a gallant poet-prince who never grows old, his tomb a place of pilgrimage. Jem Sultan was a son of Sultan Mehmet II, known as the Conqueror after his capture of Constantinople in 1453. When Mehmet died in 1481 Jem and his brother Beyazet fought a year-long war for the succession. Jem lost, and fled to Rhodes. He was held for seven years in various castles in France, then imprisoned in the Vatican. He died in 1495, probably poisoned by the infamous Borgia Pope, Alexander VI. His body was finally returned to Turkey in 1499. John Freely, who has had access to original documents in English, Turkish, French and Italian, tells the remarkable story of Jem Sultan from his childhood and youth in the palaces of the Ottoman Empire through his war with his brother and his long years of exile in Europe.








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Jeanne Kalogridis


The Borgia Bride


·  Hardcover 544 pages (February 7, 2005)

·  Publisher: HarperCollins

·  Language: English

·  ISBN: 0007148828

A sumptuous historical novel of passion, betrayal, scheming and incest, set in the
Vatican during the 15th century. Incest. Poison. Betrayal. Three wedding presents for the Borgia bride! Italy 1492 Pope Alexander VI is elected. And so begins the Borgia reign of terror. Alexander murders, bribes and betrays to establish his dynasty. No one is immune. Rome is a hotbed of accusation and conspiracy. Every day, the River Tiber is full of new bodies. Sancha de Aragon, daughter of King Alfonso II of Naples, arrives in Rome newly wed to Alexander's youngest son, Jofre. Their marriage protects Naples against the ambitions of the French King Louis and gains Spanish support for the Borgias. But Rome is very different to her beloved Naples. The debauchery of the Borgia inner-circle is notorious: every lust is indulged and every indiscretion overlooked. Sancha is no innocent: she possesses an indomitable spirit which allows her to survive in the snake-pit, but her ancestors once rivalled the Borgias in cruelty and Sancha's greatest fear is that blood will out. Lucrezia Borgia's vicious jealously stings Sancha at first, but gradually the two young women develop a cautious friendship. Lucrezia, adored by her father but used ruthlessly as a political tool, seems deceptively innocent and sympathetic, and their bond strengthens when Lucrezia is married to Sancha's treasured brother, Alfonso. But when Sancha falls in love with Cesare Borgia, her husband's enigmatic older brother, she has no idea of how bizarre and internecine are the family's true ties. Alexander is rather more than an indulgent father; Lucrezia not the innocent she appears; and Cesare's ambition burns wildly. The only safe relationship with the Borgias is none at all: as Sancha, her brother and Naples are soon to discover!

About the Author
Jeanne Kalogridis was born in Florida in 1954. She earned a BA in Russian and an MA in Linguistics from the University of South Florida and went on to teach English as a Second Language at the American University in Washington, D.C. She now lives with her partner on the West Coast of the US, sharing a house with two dogs and a bird. Her interests include yoga, Tibatan Buddhism, the occult, languages, art, and reading everything ever published.


Jeanne Kalogridis Website

Sarah Bradford


Lucrezia Borgia.

Life, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy


·  Paperback 432 pages (2004)

·  Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd

·  Language: English

·  ISBN: 014101413X


Lucrezia Borgia - an infamous murderess or simply the victim of bad press? Lucrezia Borgia's name has echoed through history as a byword for evil - a poisoner who committed incest with her natural father, Pope Alexander VI, and with her brother, Cesare Borgia. Long considered the most ruthless of Italian Renaissance noblewomen, her tarnished reputation has prevailed long since her own lifetime. In this definitive biography, a work of huge scholarship and erudition, Sarah Bradford gives a fascinating account of Lucrezia's life in all its colourful controversy. Daughter, sister, wife and mother, Lucrezia Borgia was surrounded by wealth, privilege and intrigue. But what was the truth behind her extraordinary existence - was she a monster of cruelty and deceit, or simply the pawn of her power-hungry father and brother?

Jodorowsky / Manara



Tome 1: Du sang pour le pape


Langue : Français Éditeur : Albin Michel (24 novembre 2004)
Collection : HUMOUR-BD
Format : Album - 48 pages
ISBN : 2226155252
Dimensions (en cm) : 24 x 2 x 34



Rome n'est plus une ville sainte, mais un chaos sans foi ni loi. La Mafia Borgia, les premiers parrains de l'Histoire, en sont les maîtres.






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Joachim Bouflet


Lucrèce Borgia




Langue : Français Éditeur : Presses de la Renaissance (22 janvier 2004)
Format : Broché - 460 pages
ISBN : 2856169295
Dimensions (en cm) : 15 x 4 x 24


Fondée sur des sources historiques et non sur les légendes sulfureuses qui entourent la fille du pape Alexandre VI Borgia, cette biographie va à l'encontre de la légende noire de Lucrèce, dont la " difformité morale hideuse " n'est que le fruit de l'imagination de Victor Hugo. Joachim Bouflet restitue l'authentique visage d'une femme - instrument politique de son père et de son frère César, le " prince " de Machiavel - qui s'efforce dans une Italie ravagée par les guerres de tendre vers la sainteté, en s'élevant au-dessus des complots souvent sanglants, de l'attrait du pouvoir et des amours clandestines. Laissant la parole à Lucrèce qui, deux mois avant sa mort, consigne dans un journal le récit de son existence, l'auteur nous plonge dans l'univers torturé de son héroïne, nous invitant ainsi à partager les moments les plus intimes de sa vie. Ce faisant, il dévoile ses liens, jusqu'ici peu évoqués, avec les mystiques de son époque. Loin de sa légendaire réputation de courtisane, d'empoisonneuse et de meurtrière, Lucrèce Borgia se révèle ici comme une figure tourmentée et lumineuse, annonciatrice de l'humanisme et de la Renaissance italienne

Biographie de l'auteur
Joachim Bouflet, historien, se consacre à la recherche et à l'étude des mentalités religieuses. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont Faussaires de Dieu, Edith Stein et Padre Pio, publiés aux Presses de la Renaissance

Mary Hollingsworth


The Cardinal’s Hat

Money, Ambition and Housekeeping in a Renaissance Court


·  Paperback 320 pages (2004)

·  Publisher: Profile Books Ltd

·  Language: English

·  ISBN: 1861977700


Son of Lucretia Borgia and brother of the Duke of Ferrara, Ippolito d'Este became Archbishop of Milan at the age of 9 but had to wait another twenty years before he acquired his coveted cardinal's hat. This honour was the route to power and wealth in sixteenth-century Europe - it had little to do with piety. Ippolito was no devout cleric: he enjoyed gambling, hunting, tennis and women. This is the story of the five years it took to achieve his ambition, a story involving family squabbles and private feuds, and the political agendas of the Pope, the Emperor and the King of France. Ippolito spent much of this period at the French court, sampling the sophistication of Paris, the luxuries of Fontainebleau, the pleasures of hunting in the Loire valley, the excitement of battle in Picardy, the glamour of an international peace conference at Nice, and the extreme discomforts of mountain travel. The Cardinal's Hat is based entirely on the account books and letters preserved in the archives at Modena, through which Ippolito emerges across the centuries with remarkable clarity. The documents also provide glimpses into the lives of ordinary people, not just his cooks and stable boys, but shopkeepers, builders, bargemen, peasants and even beggars. Above all, they provide a unique insight into life in sixteenth-century Europe.


Jocelyne Godard


Les Amours de Lucrèce Borgia

Les nuits chaudes de Rome


Langue : Français Éditeur : Le Semaphore (1 novembre 2003)
Collection : Les amours des femmes célèbres
Format : Poche - 109 pages
ASIN : 2912283760
Dimensions (en cm) : 11 x 1 x 17


Sa beauté indéniable fait craquer les hommes les plus insensibles, à commencer par son puissant et redoutable frère César. A treize ans, son père le pape Alexandre VI lui fait épouser le comte Sforza. Deux ans plus tard, il fait annuler le mariage pour raisons politiques. C'est dans les bras d'un officier de la Garde Pontificale qu'elle connaît les délices de l'amour. Celui-ci lâchement tué par son frère, on la marie, cette fois, à la maison d'Aragon. Alonzo et Lucrèce s'aiment. César, excédé par le bonheur de Lucrèce et poussé par les besoins de sa politique, assassine Alonzo. On arrange alors très vite un troisième mariage avec le fils du duc de Ferrare, mais Lucrèce est bien décidée à vivre désormais ses passions tout en supportant son troisième époux. Le discrédit jeté sur Lucrèce Borgia qui, pour sa défense, n'a eu que son immense désir de plaire, d'aimer et d'être aimée, est injuste. Elle ne fut qu'un instrument de puissance que les Borgia utilisèrent à des fins politiques pour mieux servir leurs desseins personnels. Jocelyne Godard la romancière des célèbres " Thébaines " aux Editions Le Sémaphore, grande saga égyptienne située au cœur du peuple des pharaons de la 18e dynastie, nous fait partager, cette fois, les passions illustres des plus sages aux plus folles, histoires d'amours étranges, complexes, romantiques, tumultueuses, exaltées, savoureuses, vécues par ces femmes renommées qui ont traversé les siècles.

Lucrezia Borgia and the Mother of Poisons
by Roberta Gellis (Author)

  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Forge; 1st edition (September 2003)
  • ISBN: 0765300206

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
"Poisoner!" The bellowed accusation strikes into silence all those in Lucrezia Borgia's audience chamber.

Lucrezia has fled Rome to a loveless marriage with Alfonso, heir to the duke of Ferrara, to escape the rumors that she is utterly depraved--incestuous, a lecher, a poisoner. To her delight she is warmly welcomed in Ferrara, by the duke, by his court, by the people, indeed by everyone except her husband. And then, after only six weeks of basking in the warmth of general approval, Alfonso rushes into her apartment and accuses her of poisoning Bianca Tedaldo, one of her ladies-in-waiting and his mistress.

Immediately, Lucrezia sees the nightmare of her life in Rome recurring. The whispers behind her back, the signs to ward off evil, people making out their wills when she invites them to share a meal. To deny the charge is useless. Lucrezia knows all too well the futility of claiming innocence even when the claim is clearly and plainly true. The only way for her to retrieve her reputation is to discover who committed the crime and expose the true murderer.


Papstkinder. Lebensbildnisse aus der Zeit der Renaissance.
von Alois Uhl


Gebundene Ausgabe - 160 Seiten - Winkler, Düsseldorf
Erscheinungsdatum: März 2003
ISBN: 3538071608


Lukrezia und Cesare Borgia sind die unvergessenen Papstkinder. Sie leben mit dem zweifelhaften Ruf von Giftmischerei und sexueller Verderbtheit zwischen Legende und Geschichte. Ihr Vater Papst Alexander VI. hatte noch acht weitere Kinder, und er dachte nicht daran, sie zu verstecken. Die übliche Papstliteratur befasst sich kaum mit diesem heiklen Thema und will den angeblich dunklen Fleck in der Geschichte nicht vorzeigen. Grund genug, nicht nur nach den Borgia-Kindern zu fragen, sondern auch den anderen Kindern der Renaissancepäpste nachzuspüren. Die Situation dieser Kinder und ihrer Mütter, die Hintergründe des Phänomens in einer faszinierenden Epoche sowie die politischen Auswirkungen der Doppelrolle Vater und Papst erfahren eine differenzierte Darstellung ohne moralische Etikettierung.

Lucrezia Borgia: A Novel

by John Faunce

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Crown Pub; ; 1st edition (March 4, 2003)
  • ISBN: 0609609742

From Publishers Weekly
Her contemporaries painted her as an incestuous, conspiring villainess. History has deemed her a hapless political pawn. Now screenwriter and first-time novelist Faunce allows
Borgia to speak for herself in this extravagant first-person narrative of Borgia's life in late 15th-century Italy. The child of Pope Alexander VI and a former whore, Borgia is separated from her mother at an early age and raised in the Vatican by her imperious, corrupt father. Her arranged marriage to Count Giovanni Sforza ends abruptly as Giovanni flees Rome for his life (a victim of the pope's ruthless political maneuvers) just as her love for him begins to blossom. With her virginity declared "miraculously" intact, Lucrezia is forced to marry again, this time to one of Italy's richest heirs. As her brother Cesare and the Borgia family name gain political influence, Lucrezia comes to fear her sibling, all the more so after she and her husband, Alphonso, are viciously attacked by assassins in Cesare's employ. Cesare's subsequent actions incite her to even the score. Faunce gives Borgia the voice of a bitchy but self-possessed modern teenager ("What was I thinking? The hell with Cesare. The hell with my impotently sentimental, girly tears, self-pity and dramatization"), which has the stylishly funny appeal of a show on the WB network. It's not as effective, however, for anchoring a historical epic; the political intrigue and scandals tend to run together, narrated in the same relentless pitch of high drama. By the novel's end, when Borgia is in self-imposed exile in a convent, readers may feel like they could use a rest as well.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.


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